一百個例題 (81 ~ 85)
Ching-Tang Tseng
Hamilton, New Zealand
3 October 2024
\ Chinese Remainder Theorem \ simple version integer i : test1 basic 10 for i = 1 to 10000000000 20 if ( i mod 11 = 1 ) and ( i mod 13 = 2 ) and ( i mod 15 = 3 ) and ( i mod 17 = 4 ) and ( i mod 19 = 5 ) then 60 30 next i 40 print " Question is inexact! " 50 goto 80 60 run 2drop 70 print " Answer = N * " ; i ; " , N = 1, 2, 3, ... " 80 end ; \ turbo version: How dose it speeded up? You got to know that. : test2 basic 10 for i = 19 + 5 to 10000000000 step 19 20 if ( i mod 11 = 1 ) and ( i mod 13 = 2 ) and ( i mod 15 = 3 ) and ( i mod 17 = 4 ) and ( i mod 19 = 5 ) then 60 30 next i 40 print " Question is inexact! " 50 goto 80 60 run 2drop 70 print " Answer = N * " ; i ; " , N = 1, 2, 3, ... " 80 end ; test1 test2 \ 80386 ciforth 5.1 \ fload chinar.f \ I : ISN'T UNIQUE \ Answer = N * 346413 , N = 1, 2, 3, ... \ Answer = N * 346413 , N = 1, 2, 3, ... OK
\ SFP.F \ test in wina64 ok 20170616 1 LOAD WANT DUMP \ Floating point emulation 11/02 BNE \ include locals.fth \ anew floatingpoint \ ANS Forth using CORE, CORE EXT and DOUBLE wordsets. \ Rev 0. See bottom for rev history. \ Floating point representation on floating point stack: \ 0 upper mantissa \ 1 lower mantissa \ 2 exponent: MSB = sign of mantissa, others = signed exponent 10 CONSTANT maxdepth \ *** 8 --> 10 3 CELLS CONSTANT b/float CREATE fstak maxdepth b/float * ALLOT \ floating point stack VARIABLE fsp \ stack pointer VARIABLE sigdigits \ # of digits to display after decimal VARIABLE ferror \ last seen error CREATE fpad b/float ALLOT \ temporary float variable HEX \ 10000 0= [IF] 10 [ELSE] 20 [THEN] CONSTANT bits/cell \ 16-bit or 32-bit Forth 40 CONSTANT bits/cell \ *** DECIMAL bits/cell 1- 602 1000 */ CONSTANT maxdig \ max decimal digits that fit in double -1 1 RSHIFT DUP CONSTANT &unsign INVERT CONSTANT &sign \ 7F... 80... &sign 1 RSHIFT CONSTANT &esign \ 40... \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ Low level math you could CODE for better speed \ : DLSHIFT >R SWAP DUP R@ LSHIFT SWAP 8 CELLS R@ - RSHIFT ROT R> LSHIFT OR ; \ *** \ : DRSHIFT >R DUP R@ RSHIFT SWAP 8 CELLS R@ - LSHIFT ROT R> RSHIFT OR SWAP ; \ *** \ : D2/ 1 DRSHIFT ; \ *** HEX : D2/ DUP 1 AND IF 2/ SWAP 2/ 8000000000000000 OR SWAP ELSE 2/ SWAP 2/ 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF AND SWAP THEN ; DECIMAL : UD2/ ( d -- d' ) D2/ &unsign AND ; \ : 0MAX ( n1 -- n2 ) DUP 0 < IF DROP 0 THEN ; \ *** : frshift ( count 'man -- ) \ right shift mantissa SWAP 0 MAX bits/cell 2* MIN \ *** >R DUP 2@ R> 0 ?DO UD2/ LOOP ROT 2! ; : exp>sign ( exp -- exp' sign ) DUP &unsign AND \ mask off exponent DUP &esign AND 2* OR \ sign extend exponent SWAP &sign AND ; \ get sign of mantissa : sign>exp ( exp sign -- exp' ) SWAP &unsign AND OR ; : +ex ( n1 offset -- n1' ) \ bump n1 but preserve its MSB SWAP exp>sign >R + R> sign>exp ; \ : D2* 1 DLSHIFT ; \ *** : D2* 2DUP D+ ; : T2* ( triple -- triple' ) D2* ROT DUP 0< 1 AND >R 2* ROT ROT R> 0 D+ ; : 0<> 0= 0= ; \ *** : T2/ ( triple -- triple' ) OVER 1 AND 0<> &sign AND >R D2/ ROT \ MHL|C 1 RSHIFT R> OR ROT ROT ; : 2>R POSTPONE SWAP POSTPONE >R POSTPONE >R ; IMMEDIATE \ *** : 2R> POSTPONE R> POSTPONE R> POSTPONE SWAP ; IMMEDIATE \ *** : 2R@ POSTPONE 2R> POSTPONE 2DUP POSTPONE 2>R ; IMMEDIATE \ *** : T+ ( t1 t2 -- t3 ) 2>R >R ROT 0 R> 0 D+ 0 2R> D+ ROT >R D+ R> ROT ROT ; : *norm ( triple exp -- double exp' ) \ normalize triple >R BEGIN DUP 0< 0= WHILE T2* R> 1- >R REPEAT &sign 0 0 T+ \ round ROT DROP R> ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ Parameter indicies : 'rx ( ofs -- addr ) fsp @ 3 * + CELLS fstak + ; : 'm1 ( -- addr ) -3 'rx ; \ -> 1st stack mantissa : 'm2 ( -- addr ) -6 'rx ; \ -> 2nd stack mantissa : 'm3 ( -- addr ) -9 'rx ; \ -> 3rd stack mantissa \ *** -6 -->-9 : 'e1 ( -- addr ) -1 'rx ; \ -> 1st stack exponent : 'e2 ( -- addr ) -4 'rx ; \ -> 2nd stack exponent : 'e3 ( -- addr ) -7 'rx ; \ -> 3nd stack exponent \ *** added : fmove ( a1 a2 -- ) b/float MOVE ; : m1get ( addr -- ) 'm1 fmove ; \ move to M1 : m1sto ( addr -- ) 'm1 SWAP fmove ; \ move from M1 : expx1 ( -- exp sign ) 'e1 @ exp>sign ; : expx2 ( -- exp sign ) 'e2 @ exp>sign ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ For testing: \ : f? 'm1 2@ UD2/ D>F expx1 IF FNEGATE THEN \ &sign OR 1+ S>F 2e0 FLN f* FEXP F* FS. ; \ 20 SET-PRECISION : f?? FSWAP f? FSWAP f? ; \ : fd fstak fsp @ b/float * DUMP ; \ dump stack \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ A normalized float has an unsigned mantissa with its MSB = 1 : normalize ( -- ) 'm1 2@ 2DUP OR 0= IF 2DROP \ Zero is a special case. ELSE expx1 >R >R BEGIN DUP 0< 0= \ not normalized? WHILE D2* R> 1- >R \ shift mantissa left REPEAT 'm1 2! R> R> sign>exp 'e1 ! THEN ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \ Floating Point Words : F2* ( fs: r1 -- r3 ) 'e1 @ 1 +ex 'e1 ! ; : F2/ ( fs: r1 -- r3 ) 'e1 @ -1 +ex 'e1 ! ; : PRECISION ( -- n ) sigdigits @ ; : SET-PRECISION ( n -- ) maxdig MIN sigdigits ! ; : FCLEAR ( -- ) 0 fsp ! 0 ferror ! ; : FDEPTH ( -- ) fsp @ ; : FDUP ( fs: r -- r r ) 1 fsp +! 'm2 m1get ; : FDROP ( fs: r -- ) -1 fsp +! ; : FNEGATE ( fs: r1 -- r3 ) 'e1 @ &sign XOR 'e1 ! ; : D>F ( d -- | -- r ) FDUP DUP 0< IF DNEGATE &sign ELSE 0 THEN 'e1 ! 'm1 2! normalize ; : F>D ( -- d | r -- ) expx1 >R DUP &esign AND IF NEGATE &unsign AND 'm1 frshift 'm1 2@ R> IF DNEGATE THEN ELSE R> 2DROP -1 &unsign 1 ferror ! \ overflow: return maxdint THEN FDROP ; : S>F ( n -- | -- r ) S>D D>F ; : FLOAT+ ( n1 -- n2 ) b/float + ; : FLOATS ( n1 -- n2 ) b/float * ; : F@ ( a -- | -- r ) FDUP m1get ; : F! ( a -- | r -- ) m1sto FDROP ; : F0= ( -- t | r -- ) 'm1 2@ OR 0= FDROP ; : F0< ( -- t | r -- ) 'e1 @ 0< FDROP ; : FLOOR ( fs: r1 -- r2 ) F>D DUP 0< IF -1 S>D D+ THEN D>F ; : FABS ( fs: r1 -- r3 ) 'e1 @ 0< IF FNEGATE THEN ; : FALIGN ( -- ) ALIGN ; : FALIGNED ( addr -- addr ) ALIGNED ; : FSWAP ( fs: r1 r2 -- r2 r1 ) 'm1 fpad fmove 'm2 m1get fpad 'm2 fmove ; : FOVER ( fs: r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r3 ) 1 fsp +! 'm3 m1get ; \ : FPICK ( n -- ) ( fs: -- r ) 1 fsp +! 1+ -3 * 'rx m1get ; : FPICK ( n -- ) ( f: -- r ) 1 fsp +! 2 + b/float * 'rx m1get ; ( ** was BUG ) \ *** : FNIP ( fs: r1 r2 -- r2 ) FSWAP FDROP ; : FROT ( fs: r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1 ) 'm3 fpad fmove 'm2 'm3 b/float 2* MOVE fpad m1get ; : F+ ( fs: r1 r2 -- r3 ) FDUP F0= IF FDROP EXIT THEN \ r2 = 0 FOVER F0= IF FNIP 'e1 @ 0< IF FNEGATE THEN EXIT THEN \ r1 = 0 expx1 >R expx2 >R - DUP 0< IF NEGATE 'm1 frshift 0 \ align exponents ELSE DUP 'm2 frshift THEN 'e2 @ + 'm2 2@ R> IF DNEGATE -1 ELSE 0 THEN 'm1 2@ R> IF DNEGATE -1 ELSE 0 THEN T+ DUP >R ( exp L M H | sign ) DUP IF T2/ IF DNEGATE THEN 'm2 2! 1+ ELSE DROP 'm2 2! THEN R> &sign AND sign>exp 'e2 ! FDROP normalize ; : F- ( fs: r1 r2 -- r3 ) FNEGATE F+ ; : F< ( -- t ) ( F: r1 r2 -- ) FOVER FOVER F- F0< ; : FROUND ( fs: r1 -- r2 ) expx1 >R DUP NEGATE 1- 'm1 frshift \ convert to half steps 'm1 2@ 1 0 D+ \ round 'm1 2! R> sign>exp 'e1 ! normalize ; \ re-float : FMIN ( F: r1 r2 -- rmin ) FOVER FOVER F< IF FDROP ELSE FNIP THEN ; : FMAX ( F: r1 r2 -- rmax ) FOVER FOVER F< IF FNIP ELSE FDROP THEN ; \ 1. VALUE : VALUE CREATE , \ ( n -- ) DOES> @ \ ( -- n ) ; : VALUES ( N -- ) 0 ?DO 0 VALUE LOOP ; : TO ( N -- ) ' >BODY STATE @ IF POSTPONE LITERAL POSTPONE ! ELSE ! THEN ; IMMEDIATE : +TO ( N -- ) ' >BODY STATE @ IF POSTPONE LITERAL POSTPONE +! ELSE +! THEN ; IMMEDIATE 0 VALUE L1 0 VALUE U1 0 VALUE L2 0 VALUE U2 : PICK 1+ CELLS DSP@ + @ ; \ *** : F* ( fs: r1 r2 -- r3 ) 'm1 2@ TO U1 TO L1 'm2 2@ TO U2 TO L2 \ { L1 U1 L2 U2 -- } *** L1 L2 OR IF L1 L2 UM* &sign 0 D+ NIP \ round U1 U2 UM* L1 U2 UM* 0 T+ L2 U1 UM* 0 T+ ELSE 0 U1 U2 UM* \ lower parts are 0 THEN 2DUP OR 3 PICK OR \ zero? IF expx1 >R expx2 >R + bits/cell 2* + *norm R> R> XOR sign>exp 'e2 ! 'm2 2! ELSE DROP D>F \ zero result THEN FDROP ; : DU< ROT 2DUP = IF 2DROP U< EXIT THEN 2SWAP 2DROP SWAP U< ; \ *** : D- ( d1 d2 -- d1-d2 ) DNEGATE D+ ; \ *** : -ROT ROT ROT ; \ *** : U> SWAP U< ; \ *** : F/ ( fs: r1 r2 -- r3 ) FDUP F0= IF FDROP -1 -1 'm1 2! 2 ferror ! \ div by 0, man= umaxint 'e1 @ &sign AND &sign 2/ 1- OR 'e1 ! \ exponent = maxint/2 ELSE 'm1 2@ 'm2 2@ DU< IF 1 'm2 frshift THEN \ divisor <= dividend 'm1 CELL+ @ IF 'm2 2@ UD2/ 'm1 2@ UD2/ \ max divisor = dmaxint 0 0 PAD 2! bits/cell 2* 1+ 0 \ long division DO 2OVER 2OVER DU< \ double/double IF 0 ELSE 2DUP 2>R D- 2R> 1 \ a b --> a-b b THEN 0 PAD 2@ D2* D+ PAD 2! 2SWAP D2* 2SWAP LOOP DU< 0= 1 AND 0 \ round PAD 2@ D+ bits/cell 2* ELSE 0 'm2 2@ 'm1 @ DUP >R UM/MOD \ 0 rem quot | divisor -ROT R@ UM/MOD -ROT R> 1 RSHIFT U> IF 1 0 D+ THEN \ round bits/cell 2* THEN expx2 >R expx1 >R - SWAP - >R 'm2 2! R> R> R> XOR sign>exp 'e2 ! FDROP THEN ; : F~ ( f: r1 r2 r3 -- ) ( -- flag ) \ f-proximate FDUP F0< \ Win32forth version IF FABS FOVER FABS 3 FPICK FABS F+ F* \ r1 r2 r3*(r1+r2) FROT FROT F- FABS FSWAP F< ELSE FDUP F0= IF FDROP F- F0= ELSE FROT FROT F- FABS FSWAP F< THEN THEN ; \ For fixed-width fields, it makes sense to use these words for output: \ fsplit ( F: r -- ) ( fracdigits -- sign Dint Dfrac ) \ Converts to integers suitable for pictured numeric format. \ Fracdigits is the number of digits to the right of the decimal. \ .digits ( UD fracdigits -- ) \ Outputs a fixed number of digits : fsplit ( F: r -- ) ( fracdigits -- sign Dint Dfrac ) >R expx1 NIP FABS \ int part must fit in a double FDUP F>D 2DUP D>F F- \ get int, leave frac 2 0 R> 0 ?DO D2* 2DUP D2* D2* D+ LOOP \ 2 * 10^precision D>F F* F>D 1 0 D+ UD2/ ; \ round : .digits ( UD cnt -- ) 0 ?DO # LOOP 2DROP ; \ Nonstandard: PRECISION is the number of digits after the decimal, not the \ total number of digits. \ : 0> 0 > ; \ *** : (F.) ( F: r -- ) ( -- addr len ) <# FDEPTH 0 > 0= IF #> EXIT THEN \ empty stack -> blank \ *** 0< --> 0 < PRECISION fsplit PRECISION .digits PRECISION IF [CHAR] . HOLD THEN #S SIGN #> ; : F. ( F: r -- ) (F.) TYPE SPACE ; : FCONSTANT ( -name- ) ( F: r -- ) \ compile time ( F: -- r ) \ runtime CREATE HERE F! b/float ALLOT DOES> F@ ; : FVARIABLE ( -name- ) \ compile time ( F: -- r ) \ runtime CREATE b/float ALLOT ; \ test goodies : \S CR -1 ABORT" OK, abort at \S point, no more loaded. " ; \ *** FCLEAR 100 SET-PRECISION \ max precision for testing CR .( 1/7 = ) 1 S>F 7 S>F F/ F. CR .( 1/3 = ) 1 S>F 3 S>F F/ F. CR .( 2/3 = ) 2 S>F 3 S>F F/ F. CR .( 355/113 = ) 355 S>F 113 S>F F/ F. : SS fstak 120 DUMP ;
\ DUSMOD.F \ test in wina64 ok 20170616 : 2>R POSTPONE SWAP POSTPONE >R POSTPONE >R ; IMMEDIATE : 2R> POSTPONE R> POSTPONE R> POSTPONE SWAP ; IMMEDIATE : 2R@ POSTPONE 2R> POSTPONE 2DUP POSTPONE 2>R ; IMMEDIATE : 2ROT 2>R 2SWAP 2R> 2SWAP ; : PICK 1+ CELLS DSP@ + @ ; : D2* 2DUP D+ ; : M+ S>D D+ ; : DU< ROT 2DUP = IF 2DROP U< EXIT THEN 2SWAP 2DROP SWAP U< ; : D- DNEGATE D+ ; \ b/d = bits/double,128 for wina64 : DU/MOD ud1 ud2 -- udrem udquot ) 0 0 2ROT 128 ( b/d ) 0 DO 2 PICK OVER 2>R D2* 2SWAP D2* R> 0< 1 AND M+ 2DUP 7 PICK 7 PICK DU< 0= R> 0< OR IF 5 PICK 5 PICK D- 2SWAP 1 M+ ELSE 2SWAP THEN LOOP 2ROT 2DROP ; \ Usage: \ 170000000000000. 30000000000000. DU/MOD CR D. CR D.
\ (84)STRING.F \ in wina64 test ok 20170616 1 LOAD WANT DUMP WANT ALLOCATE WANT SEE : WORD ( c -- addr ) DUP BL = IF DROP NAME ELSE >R \ line933 BEGIN PP@@ R@ = WHILE DROP REPEAT DROP -1 PP +! R> PARSE THEN HERE 34 BLANK HERE 2DUP C! 1+ SWAP CMOVE \ $!-BD HERE ; \ only PP able to be used in file. >IN can not to be used in file. \ QUERY here can be used in command console so use >IN? \ ACCEPT ( addr count -- n ) : >IN ( -- ) PP ; : QUERY ( -- ) TIB @ DUP 80 ACCEPT SET-SRC 0 (>IN) ! ; : /STRING ( addr1 u1 n -- addr2 u2 ) >R R@ - SWAP R> + SWAP ; 0 CONSTANT FALSE -1 CONSTANT TRUE : D>S DROP ; : DNUMBER ( addr count -- d +f | -f) 0. 2SWAP OVER C@ [CHAR] - = DUP >R IF 1 /STRING THEN >NUMBER SWAP DROP IF 2DROP R> DROP FALSE ELSE R> IF DNEGATE THEN TRUE THEN ; : STRING CREATE ALLOT ( n -- ) DOES> ( -- addr ) ; 256 STRING AAA 256 STRING BBB VARIABLE CCC : INPUT$ ( -- addr count ) QUERY 13 WORD COUNT ; : INPUT# ( -- n ) QUERY BL WORD COUNT DNUMBER IF D>S ELSE ABORT" Warning! Input unknown?" THEN ; : TEST ." Enter your name: " INPUT$ CR ." Hello there, " TYPE CR ." Enter a number: " INPUT# CR ." Your number is " . CR ; : TEST1 ." ENTER STRING AAA: " INPUT$ AAA $! ." ENTER STRING BBB: " INPUT$ BBB $! ." ENTER A NUMBER : " INPUT# CCC ! CR AAA $@ TYPE CR BBB $@ TYPE CR CCC @ . CR ." ENTER APPENDED STRING : " INPUT$ AAA $+! CR AAA $@ TYPE ; \ 4. FILE I/O \ 100 ALLOCATE DROP CONSTANT DDD \ AAA $@ DDD SWAP MOVE \ DDD 40 DUMP \ This file operation program works in Lina64 under CentOS7 \ Author: Ching Tang Tseng \ Date : 20160310, Hamilton, New Zealand \ WANT ALLOCATE \ -rw0rw0rw0 = 110110110b = 438d : all are R/W enable 438 CONSTANT R/W VARIABLE FileID VARIABLE Fptr VARIABLE Frem VARIABLE Flen VARIABLE Fsize 1024000 Fsize ! \ (1)floating Fadr \ : Fadr PAD 4096 + ; \ (2)allocate Fadr ??? Fsize @ ALLOCATE DROP CONSTANT Fadr \ (3)fixed Fadr: 1 MB below EM \ EM HERE - . --> get 33425420 --> 33 MB free spaces \ : Fadr EM 1024000 - ; : SetUpFptrFrem ( -- ) Fadr Fptr ! Flen @ Frem ! ; : (FILE.) ( -- addr len ) Fadr Flen @ ; : FileType ( -- ) CR (FILE.) TYPE ; : FileDump ( -- ) CR (FILE.) DUMP ; \ Beware! only a R/W attributed file can be manipulated \ S" Filename.f" GetFile = "Filename.f" GetFile : GetFile ( addr len -- ) Fadr Fsize @ 0 FILL R/W OPEN-FILE IF CR ABORT" OPEN-FILE error?" THEN FileID ! CR ." File ID is : " FileID @ . Fadr Fsize @ FileID @ READ-FILE IF CR ABORT" READ-FILE error?" THEN DUP Flen ! CR . ." Bytes has been read!" FileID @ CLOSE-FILE IF CR ABORT" CLOSE-FILE error!" THEN SetUpFptrFrem ; \ use PAD area create all blanks : NewFile ( addr len n -- ) Flen ! PAD Flen @ 32 FILL R/W CREATE-FILE IF CR ABORT" CREATE-FILE error!" THEN FileID ! PAD Flen @ FileID @ WRITE-FILE IF CR ABORT" WRITE-FILE error!" THEN CR Flen @ . ." Bytes has been written!" FileID @ CLOSE-FILE IF CR ABORT" CLOSE-FILE error!" THEN SetUpFptrFrem ; \ Beware! Flen must be set, before you WriteFile : SaveFile ( addr len -- ) R/W CREATE-FILE IF CR ABORT" CREATE-FILE error!" THEN FileID ! CR ." FileID is: " FileID @ . Fadr Flen @ FileID @ WRITE-FILE IF CR ABORT" WRITE-FILE error!" THEN CR Flen @ . ." Bytes has been written!" FileID @ CLOSE-FILE IF CR ABORT" CLOSE-FILE error!" THEN ; \ for simple testing usage: \ : SendText>F ( adr n -- ) \ DUP Flen ! Fadr SWAP MOVE ; \ S" This is a simple test." SendText>F \ then, use FileType or use FileDump to check \ Frem, Fptr are to be used for other testing.
\ (85-1)Win32Forth version fvariable ci fvariable c fvariable zi fvariable z : >2? z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f+ 4.0e0 f> ; : nextr z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f- c f@ f+ ; : nexti z f@ zi f@ f* 2.0e0 f* ci f@ f+ ; : pixel c f! ci f! 0.0e0 z f! 0.0e0 zi f! 150 50 do nextr nexti zi f! z f! >2? if i unloop exit then loop bl ; : left->right -1.5e0 80 0 do fover fover pixel emit 0.026e0 f+ loop fdrop ; : top->bottom -1.0e0 40 0 do left->right cr 0.05e0 f+ loop fdrop ; : main cr top->bottom ; page main \ (85-2)Wina32 ABC Forth512 version fvariable ci fvariable c fvariable zi fvariable z : >2? z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f+ 4.0 e 0 f> ; : nextr z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f- c f@ f+ ; : nexti z f@ zi f@ f* 2.0 e 0 f* ci f@ f+ ; : pixel c f! ci f! 0.0 e 0 z f! 0.0 e 0 zi f! 150 50 do nextr nexti zi f! z f! >2? if i unloop exit then loop bl ; : left->right -1.5 e 0 79 0 do fover fover pixel emit 0.026 e 0 f+ loop fdrop ; \ 80 ->79 : top->bottom -1.0 e 0 40 0 do left->right cr 0.05 e 0 f+ loop fdrop ; top->bottom \ all ( 0 e 0 ) -> ( 0.0 e 0 ) \ (85-3)Forth64 version fvariable ci fvariable c fvariable zi fvariable z : >2? z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f+ 4.0e f> ; : nextr z f@ fdup f* zi f@ fdup f* f- c f@ f+ ; : nexti z f@ zi f@ f* 2.0e f* ci f@ f+ ; : pixel c f! ci f! 0e z f! 0e zi f! 150 50 do nextr nexti zi f! z f! >2? if i unloop exit then loop bl ; : left->right -1.5e 80 0 do fover fover pixel emit 0.026e f+ loop fdrop ; : main ( top->bottom ) cr -1e 40 0 do left->right cr 0.05e f+ loop fdrop ;