2017年5月1日 星期一

Some Special Features in ABC forth

Some Special Features in ABC forth
Ching-Tang Tseng
Hamilton, New Zealand
1 May 2017

Some kinds of output format are hard to implement out by a traditional BASIC.
A few codes are hard to read out clearly in traditional FORTH coding style.
I improved.
A few such kinds of example are showing in this article.
ABC FORTH special features are emphasized here on purpose.

Example 1 : Output ability

First day I touched FORTH, I knew FORTH output ability is better than any other kinds of non-extendable language, especial compare to a traditional BASIC. No matter it is just to do a general printing output or is to do a complicated port output to a device, FORTH certainly is the best tool to do it.
Here is a simple question (courtesy of http://practicalcomputing.org/tips/rosetta) needs a program to print out a table, all elements inside are a regular order character attached by a regular order number as the following format.

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12

Traditional BASIC has a PRINT instruction for printing message out. Variable names, "....." , , , ; , or a mathematical expression are able to be used to follow a PRINT instruction. After PRINT, system must to do a line feed and carriage return once. Such a PRINT specification cannot help us to print out Table.1 except you are using an artificial echo printing method.
In a general FOTH system, arrange an ASCII code EMIT and an index . (DOT) together such as 
"j emit i ." to be wrapped in double structure of DO ... LOOP as following can performed out this table, 
ForthTable and BasicTable are the answer codes.
: ForthTable ( -- )
  73 65
      13 1
          j emit i . 
  loop ;

In ABC FORTH, use a powerful RUN instruction to do "j emit i .". Let you get the same effective output result. Traditional BASIC lack of such a feature.

2 integers i j
: BasicTable ( -- ) 
10 run cr
20 for j = 65 to 72
30 for i = 1 to 12
40 run j emit i .
50 next i
60 run cr
70 next j
80 end ;

Execution result:

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12

Example 2. Chinese Remainder Theorem

One example of these questions is showing in the program. Please see the contents of logical branch condition in Line 20.

\ simple version
integer i
: simple ( -- )
10 for i = 1 to 100000000000
20 if     ( i mod 11 = 1 ) and ( i mod 13 = 2 )
     and ( i mod 15 = 3 ) and ( i mod 17 = 4 )
     and ( i mod 19 = 5 )
     then 60
30 next i
40 print " Question is inexact! "
50 goto 80
60 run 2drop
70 print " Answer = N * " ; i ; " , N = 1, 2, 3, ... "
80 end ;

\ turbo version: How does it speeded up? You ought to know.
: turbo ( -- )
10 for i = 19 + 5 to 100000000000 step 19
20 if     ( i mod 11 = 1 ) and ( i mod 13 = 2 )
      and ( i mod 15 = 3 ) and ( i mod 17 = 4 )
      and ( i mod 19 = 5 )
    then 60
30 next i
40 print " Question is inexact! "
50 goto 80
60 run 2drop
70 print " Answer = N * " ; i ; " , N = 1, 2, 3, ... "
80 end ;

Answer = N * 346413 , N = 1, 2, 3, ...
Answer = N * 346413 , N = 1, 2, 3, ...  OK

You are able to solve all kinds of Chinese Remainder Theorem problem with the same code listed above by just to replace the contents in line 20.
Upper limit index of  FOR...NEXT set to be such a big number is on purpose for testing in 64 bits system.
If ABC FORTH is not built in a general FORTH system, we are unable to deal with the code in Line 60 RUN 2DROP. Is this ability to be called unstructured?

Example 3. 64 bits working range

ABC FORTH is very easy to follow up a new or a 64 bits FORTH system.
At the beginning of 64 bits era, a public domain 64 bits BASIC is not so easy coming out quickly.
For me, so long as there is a FORTH system existed already, I may have ABC FORTH added to it in less than 2 weeks. Even though a 64 bits new FORTH system is always lack of floating point functions, I am able to build my personal pure software floating point functions in it by ABC FORTH itself.
I don't like to work on any kinds of vendor's FORTH. I used to work on public domain FORTH only.
Apply a 64 bits ABC FORTH program to find prime numbers over a fixed 64 bits range can show you some special features.
These programs are simply based on the following three properties of Prime Numbers.
(1) The lowest even prime number is 2
(2) The lowest odd prime number is 3
(3) All prime numbers above 3 can be represented by the formula 6n + 1 and 6n - 1 for n>=1

This was the simplest version adopted by me at the beginning when I developed.  

5 integers I J L A B
: SimplePrange ( -- )
10 print " Input start and stop numbers A and B, A < B, A must >= 10 " cr
20 inputi A , B
30 for J = A to B
40 if ( J mod 2 = 0 ) OR ( J mod 3 = 0 ) then 220
50 for I = 6 to sqrt ( J ) + 1 step 6
60 if ( J mod ( I - 1 ) = 0 ) OR ( J mod ( I + 1 ) = 0 ) then 210
70 next I
100 print J
110 goto 220
210 run 2drop
220 next J
300 end ;

The final consolidated TurboPrange code with proving output is as following.
You are able to get some detail features via to compare it to the SimplePrange code listed above.

5 integers I J A B C
: TurboPrange ( -- )
10 print " Enter start and stop numbers A and B, A < B, A must >= 10 " cr
20 inputi A , B
30 LET C = 0
40 for J = A to B
50 if J mod 2 = 0 then 220
60 if J mod 3 = 0 then 220
70 for I = 6 to sqrt ( J ) + 1 step 6
80 if J mod ( I - 1 ) = 0 then 210
90 if J mod ( I + 1 ) = 0 then 210
100 next I
110 let C = C + 1
120 print J ; " = 6 x " ; J / 6 ; " + " ; J mod 6
130 goto 220
210 run 2drop
220 next J
310 PRINT " Total primes = " ; C
320 end ;

Enter start and stop numbers A and B, A < B, A must >= 10 !
? 1000000000001000 1000000000002000

    1000000000001003 = 6 x 166666666666833 + 5
    1000000000001027 = 6 x 166666666666837 + 5
    1000000000001063 = 6 x 166666666666843 + 5
    1000000000001089 = 6 x 166666666666848 + 1
    1000000000001117 = 6 x 166666666666852 + 5
    1000000000001209 = 6 x 166666666666868 + 1
    1000000000001269 = 6 x 166666666666878 + 1
    1000000000001293 = 6 x 166666666666882 + 1
    1000000000001347 = 6 x 166666666666891 + 1
    1000000000001371 = 6 x 166666666666895 + 1
    1000000000001413 = 6 x 166666666666902 + 1
    1000000000001491 = 6 x 166666666666915 + 1
    1000000000001503 = 6 x 166666666666917 + 1
    1000000000001551 = 6 x 166666666666925 + 1
    1000000000001617 = 6 x 166666666666936 + 1
    1000000000001623 = 6 x 166666666666937 + 1
    1000000000001669 = 6 x 166666666666944 + 5
    1000000000001741 = 6 x 166666666666956 + 5
    1000000000001749 = 6 x 166666666666958 + 1
    1000000000001819 = 6 x 166666666666969 + 5
    1000000000001839 = 6 x 166666666666973 + 1
    1000000000001867 = 6 x 166666666666977 + 5
    1000000000001897 = 6 x 166666666666982 + 5

Total primes = 23  OK

This program is a nice tool to find a prime number in a specified range. I developed it and applied it to many aspects. Program is posting here only to prevent anybody argue any doubted tips to me. Simplification is to be emphasized first. No more simplification are needed. If a number is not a prime number, it will be checked out by MOD operation with four numbers: 2, 3, 6n-1, 6n+1. Speed is acceptable. There are no storage table must to be announced in this program.
When I am doing congruence method random number generator design, I need a so called magic number in 64 bits environment, it should be a prime number. This program help me some.
There are many websites consumed a lot of storage capacity to show you all prime numbers among a specified range. I need not to waste my time for surfing. 14 lines code are enough to satisfy my demand.
Before I got the output outcome, I was still doubted a little bit about all prime numbers could be represented by 6n-1 or 6n+1 format. I used this program to prove it. 

Example 4: Self-built programming grammar

Courtesy of http://rosettacode.org/wiki/100_doors, I would like to cite contents in this website to test my ABC FORTH by means of some different codes.

For the purpose of convenience, 100 Doors question re-post here again:
There are 100 doors in a row that are all initially closed.
You make 100 passes by the doors.
The first time through, visit every door and   toggle   the door   (if the door is closed,   open it;   if it is open,   close it).
The second time, only visit every 2nd door   (door #2, #4, #6, ...),   and toggle it.
The third time, visit every 3rd door   (door #3, #6, #9, ...), etc,   until you only visit the 100th door.
Answer the question:   what state are the doors in after the last pass?   Which are open, which are closed?
The alternate solution in that web page has been ignored here, owing to have no interesting.  

Somebody did a FORTH version. Thanks to him. Instruction "toggle" is still an useful word to me. So quote it first.

: toggle ( c-addr -- )                  \ toggle the byte at c-addr
  dup c@ 1 xor swap c! ;

100  1+ ( 1-based indexing ) constant ndoors
create doors  ndoors allot

: finit ( -- )  doors ndoors erase ;     \ close all doors

: pass ( n -- )                         \ toggle every nth door
    ndoors over do
        doors i + toggle
    dup ( n ) +loop drop ;

: run ( -- )  ndoors 1 do  i pass  loop ;
: display ( -- )                        \ display open doors
    ndoors 1 do  doors i + c@ if  i .  then loop cr ;

: DoorsV1 CR finit run display ;

A few ABC FORTH codes can do the same thing out. All of them are using the same one array data structure DOOR(100). FORTH system used to do nothing about initialization for a data structure. Instruction "binit" is doing it.
DoorsV2 is a directive translated code from its original GW-BASIC demonstrated code.

2 integers HOP I
: binit ( -- )
10 FOR I = 1 TO 100
20 LET DOOR ( I ) = 0
40 end ;

: DoorsV2 ( -- )
10 run binit
40 FOR HOP = 1 TO 100
50 FOR I = 0 TO 100 STEP HOP
60 LET DOOR ( I ) = DOOR ( I ) + 1
90 FOR I = 1 TO 100
100 IF DOOR ( I ) MOD 2 = 1 THEN 120
110 GOTO 130
130 NEXT I
140 END ;

The following 3 codes use this common code named PrintResult.

: PrintResult
10 FOR I = 1 TO 100
20 IF door ( I ) = 1 then 40
30 goto 50
40 PRINT " Door " ; I ; " is open "
60 END ;

DoorsV3 line 40 is showing one kind of self-built programming grammar. Phrase "address-of door ( I ) iarray" can give you the address of one array element Door(I). Original FORTH "toggle" word can help you to toggle its content.
: DoorsV3
10 run binit
20 FOR hop = 1 TO 100
30 FOR I = hop TO 100 STEP hop
40 run address-of door ( I ) iarray toggle
60 NEXT hop
70 RUN PrintResult
80 end ;

DoorsV4 line 40 is showing another kind of self-built programming grammar. All contents of Door(I) toggled by means of mathematical calculation: original content plus 1 then MOD 2.
: DoorsV4
10 run binit
20 FOR hop = 1 TO 100
30 FOR I = hop TO 100 STEP hop
40 LET DOOR ( I ) = ( DOOR ( I ) + 1 ) MOD 2
60 NEXT hop
70 RUN PrintResult
80 end ;
DoorsV5 line 40 is showing one more kind of self-built programming grammar. DoorsV5 adopt a functionalized method to solve this problem. Let ABC FORTH can do the same thing as what the other BASICs can do.
Beware! Here this BASIC function "NOT" is not the same as FORTH word "NOT". We must defined a FORTH word  "0/1" first, then convert it to our new "NOT" function in BASIC environment.
: 0/1 ( n -- 1/0 )
' 0/1 IDEF NOT

: DoorsV5
10 run binit
20 FOR hop = 1 TO 100
30 FOR I = hop TO 100 STEP hop
40 LET DOOR ( I ) = NOT ( DOOR ( I ) )
60 NEXT hop
70 RUN PrintResult
80 end ;

Execution results:

CR .( DoorsV1: )
CR .( DoorsV2: )
CR .( DoorsV3: )
CR .( DoorsV4: )
CR .( DoorsV5: )

1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100


Door 1 is open
Door 4 is open
Door 9 is open
Door 16 is open
Door 25 is open
Door 36 is open
Door 49 is open
Door 64 is open
Door 81 is open
Door 100 is open

Door 1 is open
Door 4 is open
Door 9 is open
Door 16 is open
Door 25 is open
Door 36 is open
Door 49 is open
Door 64 is open
Door 81 is open
Door 100 is open

Door 1 is open
Door 4 is open
Door 9 is open
Door 16 is open
Door 25 is open
Door 36 is open
Door 49 is open
Door 64 is open
Door 81 is open
Door 100 is open  ok

Example 5: One step forward feature

During the past 30 years, a lot of people in FORTH communities had ever done many programs to deal with the fraction number computation. All those programs were working well under a simple fraction number format condition. For example, to implement 1/2 + 1/3, let you get 5/6.
As for a real application, main role should be the mixed fraction number format. Simple fraction number format could not cover all computational requirements. Mixed fraction number are expressed such as 1(1/2) or 3(11/17)...etc. But we must beware of their expressed meaning, an 1(1/2), means 1 AND 1 over 2 ( 1+(1/2) ), not means 1 TIMES 1 over 2 ( 1*(1/2) ).
Based on all public domain FORTH fraction number codes, we should stepped one more step forward, let it can be applied to our real world application, and let it can be used in the program. 

How to do it?
Nobody did it before, so I have to design such a system by myself. to make up all mixed fraction number computational functions. I dealt with all elements in the mixed fraction number system implemented the same things as a general integer number did according to my personal mathematical knowledge.
In this mixed fraction number system, you must consider some new regulation. The most fundamental element expression format is different from any other kind of mathematical system. We need 3 cells to express an element. Its unit element is ( 1 0 1 ) or ( 0 1 1 ), Its zero element should be ( 0 0 1). Then all other elements could follow these regulation to define out. As to its reverse(negative) element, system allows you to use one minus mark in one and only one cell, no matter which one of its three cells is.
Fraction mathematic is an absolute value system. We don't have to consider its precision. System has its own independent 4 mathematical operations /+/, /-/, /*/, ///. All general functions, for example /MAX/, /MIN/, /**/, /SGN/, /ABS/...etc, could be designed out.
A sounded mixed fraction number system must able to be used in the program. The following demo program show you this feature. I added one special output word mn. at the end. It converts a mixed fraction number to a setting digits after the decimal point number. Digits setting is adjustable, here we set 1008 digits to it.
What are the summation and the average value of this mixed fraction number series.
1&(1/1) + 2&(1/2) + ..........+ 10&(1/10)
Traditional FORTH code in the ABC FORTH system could be coded as following:

/variable/ sumF
: demo1
  0 0 1 sumF /!/
  11 1
  sumF /@/ i 1 i /+/ sumF /!/
  cr ." sumF    = " sumF /@/ /3./
  sumf /@/ 10 0 1 ///
  cr ." sumF/10 = " /3./
  cr sumF /@/ mn.

The following BASIC format code in ABC FORTH are doing the same thing as above:

integer i
fraction sumB
: demo2
10 let /{ sumB = ( 0 0 1 ) }/
20 for i = 1 to 10
30 let /{ sumB = sumB + ( i 1 i ) }/
40 next i
50 run cr ." sumB    = " address-of sumB /@/ /3./
60 let /{ sumB = sumB / ( 10 0 1 ) }/
70 run cr ." sumB/10 = " address-of sumB /@/ /3./
80 run cr address-of sumB /@/ mn.
90 end


sumF    = 57 & ( 2341 / 2520 )
sumF/10 = 5 & ( 19981 / 25200 )
57.92896825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :50
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :100
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :150
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :200
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :250
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :300
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :350
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :400
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :450
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :500
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :550
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :600
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :650
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :700
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :750
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :800
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :850
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :900
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :950
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :1000
sumB    = 57 & ( 2341 / 2520 )
sumB/10 = 5 & ( 19981 / 25200 )
5.792896825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :50
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :100
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :150
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :200
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :250
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :300
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :350
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :400
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :450
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :500
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :550
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :600
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :650
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :700
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :750
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :800
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :850
53968253968253968253968253968253968253968253968253   :900
96825396825396825396825396825396825396825396825396   :950
82539682539682539682539682539682539682539682539682   :1000
539682539 ok

According to the extendable feature of FORTH, all kinds of number system are able to add into the ABC FORTH. I took this feature successfully designed out my personal using floating point number system in my 64 bits ABC FORTH.


5 workers exposed to radiation at Japan nuclear lab

TOKYO — Jun 7, 2017, 10:48 AM ET

Five workers at a Japanese nuclear facility that handles plutonium have been exposed to high levels of radiation after a bag containing highly radioactive material apparently broke during an equipment inspection, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency said Wednesday.

The incident occurred Tuesday at its Oarai Research & Development Center, a facility for nuclear fuel study that uses highly toxic plutonium. The cause of the accident is under investigation, the state-run agency said. It raised nuclear security concerns as well as questions about whether the workers were adequately protected.
The agency said its initial survey found contamination inside the nostrils of three of the five men, a sign they had inhaled radioactive dust. All five were also found to be contaminated on their limbs after removing protective gear and taking a shower, which would have washed off most contamination.
Agency spokesman Masataka Tanimoto said one of the men had high levels of plutonium exposure in his lungs. The worker, in his 50s, had opened the lid of the container when some of the 300 grams (10 ounces) of plutonium and uranium in the broken bag flew out.
Internal exposure poses a bigger concern because of potential cancer-causing risks. The man's exposure, 22,000 Becquerels, could mean the effect on his lungs may not be immediately life-threatening but would add up over time, and he will need to be regularly monitored, said Makoto Akashi, a doctor at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, where the workers are being treated.
Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka blamed work routine complacency as a possible cause. Regulators have started investigating possible violations of safety standards at the facility.
JAEA has a poor safety record at Monju, a plutonium-burning fast breeder reactor that it oversees. The government recently decided to scrap Monju, which suffered a major accident in 1995 and has since hardly operated.
Japan's possession of large plutonium stockpiles, from the country's struggling nuclear spent-fuel recycling program, has faced international criticism. Critics say Japan should stop extracting plutonium, which could be used to develop nuclear weapons.
To reduce the stockpile, Japan plans to burn plutonium in the form of MOX fuel — a mixture of plutonium and uranium — in conventional reactors. But the restarting of halted nuclear plants has proceeded slowly amid persistent anti-nuclear sentiment since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdown caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami.


這篇美國ABC 新聞的報導,向全世界公告日本一直在從事於惡毒的鈽提取研究,目標是造原子彈。
三天前,20170607星期三,東京附近的日本Oarai 鈽燃料研發中心發生重大意外。



丹麥雕塑家 Jens Galschiot 感性雕塑,充份代表了台灣人民今日的處境。

"An obese, morbid justice, being carried by a miserable, thin people, with deep eyes."
Sensational sculpture by Danish Jens Galschiot.

It is fully described the situation of today's Taiwanese.
